ewes and lambs on pasture

Managing Ewes and Lambs with low pasture availability

During times when there is low pasture availability, Creep Feeding and Early Weaning are two options for managing stock. Creep Feeding Particularly useful in dry years to take pressure off the ewe/cow allowing their condition to be maintained for next …

sheep and lambs grazing pasture

Late Gestation and Early Lactation Nutrition Management

Late gestation and early lactation are critical times for our stock, both sheep and cattle. With energy demands increasing exponentially late in gestation, coinciding with reduced intake capacity and therefore requiring more nutrient dense feeds to meet demands. As well …

three sheep in a feedlot

Lambs heading to the feedlot?

As producers shift their Autumn lambs into feedlots, the focus turns to producing a quality lamb meat product which meets market specifications, as efficiently as possible. Part of that efficiency results from using high quality and highly digestible feed ingredients …

Piglet on straw

How we can minimise the impact of diarrhoea in piglets.

Diarrhoea in pigs is a major cause of poor performance and death. Piglet diarrhoea, or scours, most often occurs in piglets and newly weaned pigs. When considering potential causes, it’s important to look at both environmental and nutritional factors, focusing …