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Provide Supplamins MidMag for optimal ewe health, prior to lambing

Provide Supplamins MidMag for optimal ewe health, prior to lambing

The last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy is a critical time for ewes, as 70% of foetal growth occurs during this period. Ensuring ewes receive adequate nutrition during this time is vital for the health of both the ewe and her lambs. Key Considerations for Successful Lambing: Why Use Supplamins Mid Mag? Supplamins Mid Mag is […]

Tackling a green flush – Supplementation options for your stock

Recent rainfall events have caused a flush of green pasture across many parts of southern New South Wales. The nutritional profile of green feed can vary greatly, and can affect the supply of energy and protein, as well as the mineral supply, exposing stock to the risk of metabolic disorders such as Grass Tetany and […]