The two key functions of the rumen are to break down plant fibre and to produce microbial protein.

Microbial protein: The gold standard

Put simply, the two key functions of the rumen are to break down plant fibre and to produce microbial protein. These are not independent objectives: To produce more microbial protein, more microbes need to be produced, which in turn results …

Rearing healthy calves is important for the success of the herd

Calf rearing for success

Question: I want to increase the weight of my heifers at mating, and as a starting point I want to get them to weaning at 100 kilograms earlier. Do you have any suggestions for increasing growth rate in the early …

Optimise joining nutrition now, for lambing success

Optimise nutrition now for successful joining results

In the midst of a nationwide drought, farmers must focus on improving nutrition for ewes and rams prior to joining to ensure successful results next season. The correct management of livestock preceding joining will influence conception rates, ovulation rates and …